South Central Oregon
Fire Management Partnership

Work Capacity Fitness Test


Everyone needs to sign up with the Contact person. There will be a limited amount of seats available.

If possible, bring the correct amount of weight in your own pack or bring a WCT vest.

Year 2025 Work Capacity Fitness Test

Date Day Max Students Location Time Contact Phone
14-Apr-2025 Monday TBD Bly RD 8:00 Michelle henry 541-219-1026
13-May-2025 Tuesday 10 Paisley RD 8:00 Joel Johnson 541-219-0176
20-May-2025 Tuesday 20 Klamath RD 8:00 Charlie Hescick 458-232-6455
27-May-2025 Tuesday 20 Chemult RD 8:00 Dustin Thompson 541-576-9948
4-Jun-2025 Wednesday 20 Chiloquin RD 8:00 Alex Plascencia 541-219-1516
18-Jun-2025 Wednesday 20 Lakeview Interagency Office 8:00 Lex Romine 541-280-3893