South Central Oregon
Fire Management Partnership

Prescribed Fire

Prescribed Fire, applying fire to the land following a plan, is a tool used by the Federal Agencies and some private land owners to accomplish various objectives. These objectives include, but are not limited to:
  • reducing fuel loadings to improve fire fighter and public safety;
  • reducing costs and damages from wildland fire;
  • increasing ecosystem health;
  • improving habitat and forage for wildlife and domestic stock.

Wildland fire has always played an essential role in the ecological process and as a natural change agent. Aggressive total fire suppression has been the policy for wildland fire management agencies for decades. The knowledge and experience gained over these years have changed fire management philosophy in the Federal agencies. The complete exclusion of fire is now deemed to have been detrimental to the ecosystem and functioning. As a result of the devastating 1994 fire season, the extreme fire behaviors that consumed natural resources, private property and took the lives of the 14 fire fighters on the South Canyon fire, the Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and Program Review was adopted in 1995. This policy provides direction for the Federal Agencies in the use of wildland fire including prescribed fire.

The Oregon Department of Forestry assists the Federal Agencies and private land owners in the development of plans for the application of prescribed fire.

Current Rx Burning

Agency Project Name Today's Planned Acres Est. Time of Ignition Legal Descriptive Location Burn Boss Comments Updated
FWF - Southeast Zone
Today's Fire Manager = DV-1
No Burning Today             11-Dec-2024 9:45:41
FWF - Winter Rim Zone
Today's Fire Manager = BC-30
No Burning Today             6-Feb-2025 8:13:15
FWF - Mazama Zone
Today's Fire Manager = F-53
Mazama Piles (Buck Landing, Horn, Blue Jay) 3140 0900 T30 R10   F-53 Burning multiple pile units that include landing piles.11-Dec-2024 10:14:38
FWF - Klamath Ranger District
Today's Fire Manager = DV-6
No Burning Today           No ignitions planned today 10/29/24. Patrol MLH piles. 29-Oct-2024 8:14:13
Sheldon/Hart NWR
Today's Fire Manager = CH-500
Sheep Trap 267 10:00 T34 R25 SEC 36 Hart Mtn Road DV-502 Questions or Needs contact RXB3 Christopher Chapple at 253-306-165825-Feb-2025 13:25:37
Klamath Basin NWRs
Today's Fire Manager = None
No Burning Today             11-Dec-2024 9:43:54
FWF - Crater Lake National Park
Today's Fire Manager = None
No Burning Today             11-Dec-2024 9:45:18
ODF Klamath
No Burning Today             4-May-2019 8:00:46
ODF - Lakeview
No Burning Today             10-Jun-2016 11:37:21
BLM Lakeview
Today's Fire Manager = None
          None  19-Jan-2024 10:41:54
Today's Fire Manager = F-75
No Burning Today             11-Dec-2024 9:44:33

LIFC Information

This information was updated on 24-Mar-2025 8:23:20
LIFC Coordinator = Hall       On Call Dispatcher = Rasch
LIFC Resources/Comments = LIFC will be staffed Monday-Friday from 0800-1700 unless required for extended staffing.

Rx burns have green icons.