South Central Oregon
Fire Management Partnership

Local Incident Information

Regional Fire Activity

National Fire Activity

SCOFMP Year to Date Fire Statistic

Protecting Agency Number of Fires Acres Burned
Lightning Human Total Fires Lightning Human Total Acres
FWF-SE Zone 4 3 7 3.45    0.3    3.75   
FWF-Mazama Zone 17 6 23 11894.34    2.2    11896.54   
FWF-Klamath RD 1 5 6 0.1    10.65    10.75   
FWF-Winter Rim Zone 14 1 15 11.67    5.7    17.37   
BLM-Lakeview 3 3 6 0.48    841.1    841.58   
BLM-Gerber 0 1 1 0.0    0.1    0.1   
BLM-Fort Rock 18 1 19 3123.1    14.7    3137.8   
BLM-Klamath Falls 0 0 0 0.0    0.0    0.0   
NPS-Crater Lake NP 7 2 9 5292.8    0.2    5293.0   
USF&W-Sheldon/Hart 4 0 4 67128.66    0.0    67128.66   
USF&W-Klamath Basin 3 0 3 29.36    0.0    29.36   
ODF-Lake District 5 2 7 23.85    4.0    27.85   
ODF-Klamath District 15 28 43 24.9    5037.04    5061.94   
Ownership Summary
Fremont-Winema National Forest 36 15 51 11909.56    18.85    11928.41   
Bureau of Land Management 21 5 26 3123.58    855.9    3979.48   
National Park Service 7 2 9 5292.8    0.2    5293.0   
US Fish & Wildlife Service 7 0 7 67158.02    0.0    67158.02   
Oregon Dept. of Forestry 20 30 50 48.75    5041.04    5089.79   
LIFC Totals 91 52 143 87532.71    5915.99    93448.7   
Updated 15-Sep-2024 12:13:25