South Central Oregon

Fire Management Partnership

Combination Helicopter/Airplane Safety


TARGET GROUP - All users of aircraft. This includes employees that procure aircraft for wildlife surveys, wild horse counts, recreation-use inventories, timber blow-down checks, fire recon, dam surveys and GPS mapping. If you are not current with B-3 you will not be able to participate in any special-use missions.

This course is REQUIRED by OPM 06-04 and FSM 5700.


COURSE DESCRIPTION - For users of helicopters and airplane aircraft. Meets the DOI requirement of 352 DM 1.5B(1) and FSM 5720.46. Covers employee safety while working in and around helicopters and airplane operations. A hands-on walk around can be included if aircraft are available. B3 modules include:

Initial Basic Safety must be taken in the classroom by all DOI bureaus except USGS.

CURRENCY REQUIREMENTS - every three (3) years. The first class attended must be in a classroom situation. Refresher training is available online and includes all of these IAT modules: A101, A105, A106, A108, and A113.